We are trying to set up controls to operate two tanks from the same card, alternating between the two programs. The goal is to fill tank 1, then alternating to fill tank 2 when tank 1 is full, and repeating. However, the automation cards only have an input for one tank at a time. Since these tanks are filled from the same inlet pipe, we’d like to alternate between them. Once the tanks are full, we want to run a specific program for each tank that directs where the flows go - we can use the irrigation and drain settings for each tank to do this.
I have a few fixes that I think will work, but I want to run them by you first.
We can have the inlet valves (fill valves for each tank) alternating, so one is always open while the other is always closed. I think this can be done with a connection to the relay that operates this way. However, I then need to program into the automation cards the following steps to follow when the tank is full. I am not sure that if I have two automation cards, one for each tank, that if I set the valve to fill as the first step of the program if it will wait for the other valve to close before opening this fill valve. I know on other controllers they operate this way, with the tasks queueing until its allowed to open the fill valve, but usually this is with programs on the same automation card rather than on two different cards.
Another fix is if there are any cards that I can program what tank to fill, irrigate, and drain. It looks like I can only set up one tank for each automation, rather than multiple tanks.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.